Fraud in the Art Market
In the past, churches in Europe were filled with "relics" and churches competed on how many they held. Folks would go on pilgrimages to visit these churches. Have you ever wondered how these were acquired? When the Europeans showed up in the Middle East with money looking for "relics", they ran into the problem that not many actually existed. But there were hundreds of craftsmen willing to make fake relics for them. Today is not much different. Art fraud exists throughout the industry. Where there is a market, there are fakes. Over time, fakes drive out real.
Recently a biblical museum had to admit that a number of its prized possessions were fakes. They also had to admit that they purchased thousands of stolen items.
For a while, some financial advisors have recommended putting money into fine art. The result has been predictable: prices for known fine art have skyrocketed, and fakes have proliferated. Some experts suggest that nearly every major museum has purchased a fake. There are almost more fake Roman bronzes on the market than real ones. Some fakes are so good that experts are fooled.
The same has happened with other forms of art. Drive west and you can find highway side stores advertising "Real Indian Jewelry" which isn't made in this country, nor even in India (instead often in less expensive places such as Pakistan). Similarly, t-shirt art that is supposed to be a regional style is now nearly all made overseas by people copying the style. There are antique Chinese fakes of even earlier pieces.
The problem with fakes and illegally dug up items is so huge in Israel that some estimates are that over 90% of artifacts on the Israeli market are either fake or illegally dug up. It is so bad that even "reputable dealers" don't actually have much that is legitimate. Any "certificate of authenticity" that a shop owner offers is worthless.
Why does this problem exist? One reason is that most people are not able to determine whether a piece is legitimate. But the problem is increased in Israel as so many people go there on a religious pilgrimage. When people go like that, they often suspend disbelief while there. That makes them very vulnerable to fraud. Secondly, people who make fakes are getting very good at making them. Often, they are accomplished artists and study their craft. However, the price difference between what people will pay for a recently created masterpiece and an ancient broken piece is enough to drive anyone to make a fake or similar.
Once someone has purchased a fake, the fake can gain provenance by being shared with museums for shows. After a while, it becomes very difficult to tell people that something is a fake.
Anytime people are paying more for something about a work: the artist's name, the bragging rights, the story, etc., than for the actual piece, someone else will create a fake with those items.