Gresham’s Law
In economics, Gresham's Law has been cited numerously in many different ways. The basic definition is that "bad money drives out good whenever they are declared to be of equal value". It has many applications in management also; in planning, in employee turnover, and in quality. It can also be used to describe how a company slides into mediocracy when we do not distinguish actions.
Gresham's Law has a long history including being found in ancient documents in some form or another. It properly describes how we perceive value in trades and how we seek the most value for ourselves. It exists in several forms. The key to bad money taking over happens when we can see the value difference, but are forced to use the two equally. Without that forced equality, people naturally gravitate to using items of higher value.
In companies, managers have different skill levels and different commitments to quality of work. Employees are able to discern this difference and tend to want to choose to work for quality managers. Most employees want to produce quality and have their actions mean something to society as a whole. Bad managers drive away quality employees.
It doesn't need to be bad managers themselves that are the problem. A company can neglect to define priorities and practices so that actions that are not of high value are given the same emphasis as those of low value. When employees see that the company does not value extraordinary efforts, they move on to the places that do.
The net effect of Gresham's Law in companies is a hollowing out where competent employees and managers leave and only those who can't go elsewhere are left. The company quickly slides into mediocracy.
Another variation on Gresham's Law occurs in quality control. When bad quality is rewarded, people do more of it as it is always easier (and more profitable) to produce bad quality. Thus, on online auction sites, there is a lot of bad quality that is rewarded while those who spend the extra effort to make high quality have to work hard to stand out from the crowd. Likewise, customer service often is dropped as corporations do not see the effects of bad customer service on their sales.
Another variation on Gresham's Law occurs in planning. It states that actions that are already planned will drive out the unplanned actions. Thus, the routine actions (those already planned) will drive out actions where we need to do serious planning in order to accomplish. We can get caught up in actions that do not accomplish our goals.
One of the most effective ways to move out of the trap of Gresham's Law in management activities is to delegate everything that anyone else can do keeping only those tasks that we alone can do.
Taking time to have an honest evaluation of our businesses will often be the best way to keep from sliding backwards and to move the business into the future.